Celastrus paniculatus
English: Black Oil Plant
Sanskrit/Indian: Jyotishmati
Russian: Древогубец метельчатый

General information:
In India Herbal Pharmacopoeia, the Black Oil Plant is mentioned as a powerful tranquilizer. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India has indicated the use of its ripe seed in leucoderma and vitiligo.
The seeds, which contain the plant’s pharmacopoeial properties, are bitter and have an unpleasant odor. They possess emetic, diaphoretic, febrifugal and nervine properties and are used for increasing memory retention. They are also used to cure sores, ulcers, rheumatism and gout.
The seeds contain the alkaloids celastrine and paniculatin, which give the herb its therapeutic properties.
- Black Cumin is a powerful brain tonic.
- The seed oil is known to alleviate abdominal ailments.
- The oil is also helpful in treating joint pain and external wounds.